corpus juris canonici การใช้
- It is listed in " Corpus Juris Canonici"
- His scholarly edition of the " Corpus juris canonici " is called " pioneering ".
- In the " Corpus Juris Canonici " the Decretum and the Decretals deal with the subject.
- The two following collections, the last in the " Corpus Juris Canonici ", are the work of private individuals.
- Eventually some of these collections received official recognition; they form what is now known as the " " Corpus Juris Canonici " ".
- The " "'Corpus Juris Canonici " "'( canon law of the Catholic Church that was applicable to the Latin Church.
- His solutions to difficult cases in jurisprudence gave a decided impetus to the study of the canons and afforded a key to the intricate portions of the " Corpus juris canonici ".
- In contrast with traditional secular legislation, not everybody is a physical person according to the Corpus Juris Canonici, because one is constituted a person with duties and rights only by christening.
- In general, the " Corpus Juris Canonici " declares that canonical statutes are binding on all; likewise that bishops are the guardians of the canons and must see to their observance.
- In the Corpus Juris Canonici the term " clerics regular " is often used for canons regular, and regular clerics are classed by authors as a branch or modern adaptation of the family of Canons Regular.
- This term is now applied to the collections known as the " Extravagantes Joannis XXII " and the " Extravagantes communes ", both of which are found in all editions of the " Corpus Juris Canonici ".
- The " Corpus juris canonici " was used in canonical courts of the Catholic Church such as those in each diocese and in the courts of appeal at the Roman Curia such as the " Roman Rota ".
- He formed one of the commissions charged with the preparation of the official edition of the " Corpus juris canonici ", published in 1582, and the anonymous notes appended to the edition of the Decretals are attributed to him.
- It was originally used by the Romans for several of their collections of all the laws in a certain field see " Corpus Juris Civilis " and was later adopted by medieval jurists in assembling the " Corpus Juris Canonici ".
- Peter-Ben Smit wrote, in " Old Catholic and Philippine Independent Ecclesiologies in History ", that " the Church of Utrecht used the entirety of the " Corpus Juris Canonici ", " mainly van Espen's " Ius Ecclesiasticum Universum " and " a considerable body of particular canon law ".
- Perhaps his edition of the " Leges Visigothorum " ( 1579 ) was his most valuable contribution to historical science; in the same line he edited the " Capitula " of Charlemagne, Louis the Pious, and Charles the Bald in 1588; he assisted his brother Fran鏾is in preparing the " Corpus juris canonici " ( 1687 ).
- It was about 1150 that Gratian, professor of theology at the University of Bologna and sometimes believed to have been a Camaldolese monk, composed the work entitled by himself " Concordia discordantium canonum ", but called by others " Nova collectio ", " Decreta ", " Corpus juris canonici ", also " Decretum Gratiani ", the latter being now the commonly accepted name.
- Thus the " Corpus Juris Canonici " ( C . ii, X, De cleric . venat . ) says, " We forbid to all servants of God hunting and expeditions through the woods with hounds; and we also forbid them to keep hawks or falcons . " The Fourth Council of the Lateran, held under Pope Innocent III, decreed ( canon xv ) : " We interdict hunting or hawking to all clerics . " The decree of the Council of Trent is worded more mildly : " Let clerics abstain from illicit hunting and hawking " ( Sess.